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Weyburn City Hall collecting input on proposed city budget

The deadline for comments on the City's 2023 budget is end of day, Friday, Nov. 18.
City hall-0147
City Hall is collecting public input on the 2023 budget, and will do so until the end of day on Friday, Nov. 18.

WEYBURN – Weyburn residents have been providing feedback to the City administration on the proposed 2023 budget, and there is still time for more comments as the deadline is the end of day on Friday, Nov. 18.

There have been about 50 comments provided so far, said city manager Mathew Warren, all from individuals, most focusing on the proposed tax increase of 10.34 per cent.

“The thing we hear more often than not is the 10.34-per-cent increase. It’s only the starting point, and council will make their decisions after that period of engagement,” said Warren, adding he was “pretty happy” with the level of response thus far.

He noted the comments have come from a wide range of residents in the city, from young families to seniors, and from both new residents and more long-term residents.

At this point, no groups or organizations have submitted any comments, and as of Monday, no delegations have yet put their names in to speak to council.

Comments have covered such areas as leisure facilities and public works, and several on the increase requested by the Weyburn Police Service, he said, with the majority commenting on the tax hike percentage.

Once all comments are received by the end of day Nov. 18, administration will compile them and present a report to council at their Nov. 28 meeting.

If any delegations wish to speak to council on Nov. 28, whether as individuals or groups, they have until the end of day Nov. 18 to register with city clerk Donette Richter to get on the agenda.

“What we’ll do is provide a report of what we’ve heard from the public, with the numbers of responses and subjects,” said Warren.

The final decision on the 2023 will be made at the Dec. 12 meeting, he added, if council accepts the final report and recommendations from administration based on the public input.

“I hope there’s been ample time and that the presentations were easy to understand. We wanted to get feedback on what people would like to see,” said Warren.

If people still want to make any comments by the deadline, or to be registered to speak to council, they can go to the website on weyburn.ca/budget, and click on the “public input” box, or call Donette Richter at City Hall to arrange for a delegation.

Details of what is being proposed in the budget can also be found at that web address, including a breakdown of what each department is seeking from council in the budget.

“If people or a delegation wants to speak, that would be great. It’s a democratic right if people want to come and speak to council,” said Warren.

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