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Notice of the advance poll and information on the candidates in Assiniboia’s Civic Elections

Read the details about each of the running councillors in this year's municipal elections

Public notice was issued from Carol White (Returning Officer) of an advance poll first issued on the Town of Assiniboia website on Oct. 9. The notice provided the dates and times for advance polling for an advance poll for Assiniboia’s 2020 Civic Elections.

Advance voting for the town’s municipal elections is dated for Wednesday, October 28, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the polling place situated at the Prince of Wales Cultural and Recreation Centre in the Lower Curling Lounge.

The Prince of Wales complex is situated on 201, Third Avenue West in Assiniboia. The notice of this poll granted that one mayor be elected along with six council members for four-year terms.

After the advance polls on October 28, voting is also occurring on Monday, November 9 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Prince of Wales Cultural and Recreation Centre once again, but this time the action is taking place inside the Conexus Community Auditorium.

The voting results will be declared at the Assiniboia Town Office on 131, Third Avenue West on November 10 at 9 a.m.

This year, the town’s mayoral candidates are Renaud Claude Bissonnette and Sharon Schauenberg.

There are 10 residents running for the Assiniboia Town Council in 2020, including Robert Ellert, Kent Fettes, Patrick Grondin, Linda Hall, Graham Harvey, Peter Kordus, Mike Krauss, Dave Nekurak, Paul Tendler and Brett Tiffen.

Mayoral Candidate, Renaud Bissonnette

During an interview on Sept. 12, Bissonnette was asked why he’d be an ideal mayor for Assiniboia. He began by outlining his former experiences in Assiniboia and Willow Bunch. Previously, Bissonnette served as the mayor in Assiniboia from 2000-2006. He also functioned as Willow Bunch’s mayor shortly after his last term was completed in Assiniboia.

“When I moved to Willow Bunch, I was the mayor there for two terms from the fall of 2006 to September 2012,” Bissonnette said.

Mayoral Candidate, Sharon Schauenberg

Schauenberg has acted as a volunteer on numerous boards and committees since returning to Assiniboia in 2006. She’s been active in Assiniboia as a community member in countless ways, whether as a board member, or through selling 50/50 tickets in the arena to raise money for local hockey.  

Councillor Candidate, Kent Fettes

“I want to see the aging infrastructure repaired. I also want to be a face of the community.”

Councillor Candidate, David Nekurak

Running for council: I believe that Assiniboia and the surrounding area is a very unique and special place in Saskatchewan as well as in my heart.

This is my community and my home.

While we look to the future, we cannot forget about the present and honour those of the past in these uncertain times.

We need to remember and strive for the same compassion, fortitude and courage in the face of adversity shown by our founders and previous generations to stand together as a community and bring about positive changes. Presently, we can improve existing infrastructure and services, helping to improve financial security for existing businesses.

The future is uncertain in these unparalleled times and that brings hesitation and anxiety. With a strong fiscal plan, along with the strength I know we have in this community, we cannot only weather these times, but be a shining light of stability and compassion for others to follow.      

Councillor Candidate, Paul Tendler

“There’s improvements to made with what’s been accomplished over the years and I would like to be part of it. Infrastructure is a big concern. I would like to be involved with positive changes in Assiniboia, if need be.”

Councillor Candidate, Mike Krauss

“I’m the only councillor running with young children in the community – it’s important to have that viewpoint on the council.”

Councillor Candidate, Brett Tiffen

“The position of town councillor is essential in any community, as their decisions affect every person in the municipality. Over the past several years, the deterioration of our community’s infrastructure has been increasingly evident and change is needed. My hope is that in November, the community of Assiniboia will place their trust in me to revitalize the community and ready it for the future.”

Councillor Candidate, Bob Ellert  

“I’m Bob Ellert. My wife Clara and I have been part of this community all of our lives. I’m running for town council, because I believe Assiniboia has a very bright and exciting future and I want to be part of it.

“I believe there are practical, common sense solutions to moving forward with the growth of our community. My priorities for the town are improving water quality and investing in the infrastructure.

“I would appreciate your support on November 9.” 

Councillor Candidate, Graham Harvey

If elected, Graham Harvey said he would strive to work cohesively with town council and the town administration to provide a positive work environment.

He would review with senior managers their job descriptions, their qualifications as well as ways to improve the operation of the town.

Harvey would analyze and review the town’s financial statements to gain an understanding of the Town’s financial position today and moving forward. He’d also ensure the budget process is completed before the new fiscal year moves forward.

As a councillor, Harvey wanted to work collectively with the surrounding communities and RM’s to promote unified strategies for the South Country. Finally, he hoped to develop a four-year strategic plan for the town outlining capital projects and the promotion of economic business development.

Councillor Candidate, Linda Hall

“Assiniboia has been my home for over 30 years. I have worked and raised my family here. I love Assiniboia – it truly is the heart of the Golden South.

“In my opinion, there is no better place to live. I have worked with a lot of terrific people over the years, serving on many volunteer committees, such as the Downtown Business Improvement Association, the Trade Show, the Festival of Trees, Scotties Tournament of Hearts and the Ethnic Jubilee. Also, I organized the Santa Light parade and was on the Centennial Committee.

“My main concern for Assiniboia is the condition of our streets, economic development and Centre Street beautification (simple, but beautiful).

“In my opinion, there hasn't been enough done in these areas. I promise to work hard to be instrumental in improving these important issues, along with other concerns our citizens consider important.

“I will be accessible any time to our taxpayers with an open mind. Assiniboia is a great town, but there is always room for improvement.  As a councillor, I will do everything in my power to keep Assiniboia great and make it even greater. I will not let special interests sway me and I intend to represent all walks of life in our community. I am not afraid of hard work. I am only happy when things are done right.” 

Councillor Candidate, Patrick Grondin

"I feel being on town council would be a way for me to give back to the community that has supported and encouraged our family for the past 14 years. I have loved supporting the community through attending many events, sponsorship, coaching various sports and belonging to several service clubs.

"My personal experience would be serving three terms as a town councillor for the Town of Biggar, three terms as a trustee for the school board in Biggar and four terms on the Saskatchewan Funeral Service Association, including the last two terms as its president.

"My wife Elan and I, our children Alyssa, Patrick Jr, Victoria and William, are all proud to call Assiniboia home.

"I promise to represent your voice with integrity and commitment."

Councillor Candidate, Peter Kordus

“My name is Peter Kordus. I am running for the position of councillor for the Town of Assiniboia.

“My wife, Christel and I moved to Assiniboia in 1985. Prior to the move, I was employed by the Town of Montmartre as town superintendent in charge of public works and waterworks for a period of five years.

“We made the move to Assiniboia, as I became employed by the Town of Assiniboia in the position of town superintendent. I held the position of superintendent for 20 years until my retirement in 2005.

“During my retirement, I worked as a Regional Water Plant Operator for five years. During this time, I assisted the Town of Avonlea water plant operator as a mentor for a period of three years until he received his certification. I also worked for the Village of Limerick, mentoring the operator until he received his certification.

“During these times, I was able to increase the quality of their water by changing filters – performing work on the raw water systems and doing numerous updates to the system.

"My position of town superintendent made me responsible for all aspects of the town’s workings, including public works, water and sewer works, cemetery and emergency measures, to name a few.

“While I was working for the town, I oversaw the construction of the new town shop, major upgrades to the water treatment plant, the extension of Mount Hope Cemetery, the construction of the museum, the construction of a new lagoon, lift station and annual pavement, sidewalks, the water main and sewer main projects. I was responsible for the replacement of all cast iron water lines to PCV waterlines. I was heavily involved in the development of the operational and capital budgets for the Town of Assiniboia.

“By running for council, I know I can help the Town of Assiniboia through my experience of over 30 years in the field of public works and water and sewer works. Let’s work on moving Assiniboia forward.”

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